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Boarded! at the Maritime Museum

Throughout the year the Maritime Museum of San Diego invites us to perform our show BOARDED! on the San Salvador. Since a majority of our engagements are private this is a golden opportunity to see BOARDED! in a realistic setting out on the water.
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When you click on BUY TICKETS you will be transported to the Maritime Museum of San Diego. Ticketing is handled only by the Maritime Museum. If you have any issues or questions concerning tickets, your purchase, reservations, parking etc. you must contact the Maritime Museum directly. 

If you have any questions about the show BOARDED!  contact us here.  


Next Voyage    April 5, 2025

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San Salvador ship
San Salvador ship
The San Salvador is a recreation of a Spanish Galleon. The San Salvador under the command of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, arrived at the port we now call San Diego on September 28, 1542.
CLICK HERE for more information about this amazing vessel.
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