
Captain Slick
Early Days
Alexander Johan Slick was born in the West Indies sometime in the early 1700’s although accurate records do not exist. What is known is that his father was a Merchant Seaman who survived a shipwreck off of Tortola and took up residence there where he married a West Indian woman who gave birth to Slick.
As a young lad, Slick would sneak away to the Old Yard Inn on the wharf at Sopers Hole. He was enthralled by the yarns the sailors would tell. Slick got into the habit of finishing the tankards of rum from the sailors who passed out drunk. One night, Slick passed out drunk from this habit and found himself Shanghaied. He woke up the next day aboard the Brigantine Dawn Trader, well out at sea and pressed into service. With no other choice, Slick learned the skills and trade of a Seaman and became a steadfast crew member.
Over time Slick's expertise grew. The only frustration was to see the Merchants and Ship owners getting wealthy as the pockets of the crew remained empty.
It was off the coast of Norman Island the
Dawn Trader was besieged by pirates.
The fast Pirate Schooner Sultana raced out of
The Bight of Norman Island and bore
down on the cargo and gold laden Brigantine.
The Sultana was on them within the hour and
the Dawn Trader had no choice but to surrender.
The Merchant Crew were given a choice to sign
on and join the ranks of the Pirates, or be put
into the Long Boat and be sent on their way. It was at that moment; as he witnessed the captured treasure being evenly divided among the pirate crew; that Slick chose the life of a pirate. Crewman Slick's pockets filled with gold in the following months.
Becoming The Captian
Anchored in Charlotte Amalie, enjoying a reprise and all the pleasures a pirate friendly port has to offer, a sudden tropical storm blew in putting the Amelia Rose at great risk. Instead of remaining peacefully anchored off shore, the ship swung with the change in wind and was now precariously close to a lee shore, a fearful and treacherous situation. If the anchor should drag or break free, the shore was but a few boat lengths away downwind. The ship seemed doomed.
Captain Yorgenson was passed out drunk from the previous night's revelry leaving the ship and its treasures in peril. With no one to command young Slick sprang into action. With precise commands, Slick gave orders for hoisting sails, backing the jib and staysail to turn the ship so the foresail and mainsail could catch wind and put them on a course to beat into the wind. With precision, the headsails were crossed over to begin drawing and the ship freed its anchor. With astuteness at the helm, Slick worked the Amelia Rose away from the lee shore. Once they were clear of the danger Yorgensen was unceremoniously dumped into a barrel which eventually drifted to shore. The crew rejoiced at their good fortune and rescued treasure and everyone agreed that it was a slick maneuver. The crew insisted, not only on the position but the name of Captain Slick.
Captain Slick took eager command of the ship and immediately began plundering the fat merchant ships throughout the Caribbean shipping lanes. Over the years, perhaps it was the rum or the giddiness of gold, Captain Slick commanded thirteen ships, all of which are now at the bottom of the sea. With a dedicated crew and a will to continue, there was always another ship to board and capture.
After time, the wealth from the New World became a significant issue resulting in a greater presence of the Royal Navy. The fast, nimble well crewed pirate ships were no match for the skill and fire power of a Man O’ War. It signaled a time to move on. With the capture of the Treasure Seeker, Captain Slick and his crew braved the rounding of Cape Horn and steered a course for California. Stories were told of new businesses and trade flourishing there and very little presence of authorities.
Upon arrival, it was easy to make a deal
with the local Governor to get ease of
plundering and pillaging the Merchant
Ships passing through the Channel Islands.
The Governor got his share and the
Treasure Seeker sailed unopposed.
Honor among thieves has its limits and
the Governor swindled the Captain and
Crew out of the Treasure Seeker with
a surprise take over. The Governor stole
it away to sell it to the highest bidder in
the South Pacific.
Captain Slick and his hearty crew are still together and continue to this day to live as pirates. They currently seek ships to board and continue the Pirate Adventure !